Amongst all the other things I have to adjust to coming from west to east is that I now get to experience the time change. This coming weekend we fall back...or is it fall forward? Fall over? Fall down....I dunno.
I have done this time change thing before and I don't really care for it.
In Arizona, where I come from, we don't observe daylight savings in the summer - oh we used to a long, long, LONG time ago, around the time that dinosaurs roamed the earth, but then the people who decide such things, decided that Arizona has enough sun, no need to increase the rate at which the sidewalks can fry eggs. I also think that the decision to stop daylight savings coincided with the electric company starting their endless rate hikes. So it has been a while since I have had to remember to change the clock Saturday night before I go to bed.
I like the inconvenience of having to wake up the next morning to find the rest of the world has adjusted an hour one way or the other and we have remained the same. This inconvenience was never more pronounced then in TV programming. You see in the city I come from not only do we have local TV stations as well as those that come in from Phoenix (some three hours drive from us) but we also got a few California (Los Angeles) stations, so just about the time I would get the TV schedule down and memorized to watch the few favourites that I have, everything would change and I would have to relearn it all again, but I was ok with this - it gave my mind something to do every six months, sort of a challenge see how quick I could relearn the on air times for various programmes.
Somehow there was a comfort in all of this, a sort of security. Sort of like that saying, "I will keep my head when all else around me is falling apart" I was secure in my little world of remaining the same time and everyone else having to adjust an hour. Even if it was a bit of a hassle for me.
Another fact to this time change is that part of the year we are the same time as California and Las Vegas which is ok, BUT the other half of the year we are an hour ahead of them, consequently if you leave for a weekend away in either destination you get a whole extra hour to spend there! An extra hour in Las Vegas could mean the difference between winning 5$ or 500$. Of course leaving said destination to get back home you loose an hour, but who cares when you have just won 500$.
So now I am like the rest of the country, no longer unique, no longer able to look forward to going to bed on that saturday night not worrying about the time change in my little corner of the world, all programming will remain the same no changes there. No where to drive, at least not close by, that once you cross state lines automatically you get an hour added to your life.
I have never liked being like everyone else.
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