It rained yesterday. NO, you dont get it, it RAINED yesterday. Oh not all at once to be sure.
I woke up at 3am to what I affectionately term a "frog floater" Mike giggles at me, tells me it reminds him to urinate, since in New Zealand the colloquial expression for having to go pee is to say "Crickey mate! Ma teeth are floatin, off to the loo!"
Anyway, the down pour lasted about 10 minutes. Good got that out of the way, I am always thinking about dog paws. You see I have this OCD thing going on about feet. My feet, my husbands feet, strangers feet, now my dogs feet. If they are not clean I very nearly crawl out of my skin. So here I am thinking: its 3am surely, SURELY by 6-7am it will be dry enough, when we talk the dogs out, that instead of a whole bath, the dogs will just require a little drying off with a towel to meet my standard of what feet should be when padding around the suite. (We are currently in Fort Lauderdale and living in a Staybridge Suites motel - which incidentally, if you want a recommendation for a place to stay that allows pets, Staybridge is great.)
Apparently it rained about 2.5 out of the next 3 hours prior to my waking up since we just about needed a boat to get out to the little designated "dog potty" area. Where is Noah when you need him. Even the snails and slugs seemed a bit perturbed with all the rain as they were all slimed up onto the glass door that leads to outside.
So with that I thought ok the rest of the day should be good, maybe a passing shower here and there according to the weather news, as is normal when there are off shore breezes apparently. Great!
Ok Florida's idea of isolated passing showers and my idea of isolated passing showers are about as far apart on the spectrum of rain as you can get. My day was pretty much this:
Sun - 10 minutes
Gully washer/frog floater - 20 minutes
rince, lather, repeat
Literally I had to time the rest of the days potty walks, to avoid the downpours. You see my dogs are not used to this stuff falling from the sky, so when it happens they spend most of the time jumping around like rabbits from place to place trying to avoid the rain drops bouncing off of them rather then sniffing around for that oh-so-perfect pee pee spot. When it was not raining and the sun was showing, it was a sauna.
As a side note and something that should have clued me in, I noticed a nice little free service that some of the grocery stores around Florida offer their customers, free umbrella bags. My first thought was "what is an umbrella, and why do you put it in a bag?" Now I know. Seriously, it is offered I imagine, so that you dont drench yourself or someone nearby while shopping, and you dont drip all over the floor causing unsafe walking conditions. Rain water can be slippery on grocery store floors I guess.
The weather girl on TV last night said, we are in Florida's dry season. I thought to myself, WTF? I got your dry season, honey.
:sigh: will I ever get used to this climate? I don't know. What I do know is that my time in Arizona was ofter spent lamenting about the lack of rain and when a cloud would manage to brave the incredible heat, all eyes would turn to the sky in the hopes that maybe, just maybe it might provide a rain drop or two that managed to hit the ground before it evaporated, so be careful what you wish for...
We are going to Victoria on holiday soon and the hotels we looked at all offered courtesy umbrellas.
ReplyDeleteSo, are you going to add a mud room to your house?
Pawwashing room Annie, Paw-washing room. Though I have just discovered there is an alligator living in the lake behind the house, so now I think I will rename the mudroom, the Alligator safe-room!