Will you look at that!

And I just got through washing all my windows and screens (and believe me there are ALOT of them) last weekend!!
HAH HAH Just kidding!!! This is dew disguised as rain...fitting for Halloween isnt it. It didn't rain, no ladies and gentleman readers this is simply dew. The thing that has become my most hated enemy. You know what they say though, keep your friends close and your enemies closer...I have no choice in this matter really, dew is something that seems to seek out living things to cling to and if it can't get to you it will cling to your windows, doors, screens and anything else outside pleading to be let in.
I have found that it, in addition to human contact and nurturing that it really enjoys dogs and sadly, dogs don't seem to mind dew And sand and dirt and grass and all manner of vegetation likes to be taken along for the ride ... thus the reason I am constantly washing dogs feet and legs...and this weekend we get to do the whole body treatment. Is it futile? of course, but at least it gives me some peace for a few hours before I have to take them out again.
Sorry gotta go now got dog feet to wash.
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