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Showing posts from October, 2009

I have choodles

These are my doggies, they are easily distracted In order of apperance : Rikki (Lhaso somthing) Chili and Cheddar brothers and choodles Cheddar, upclose and personal in all his humiliation after his much needed bath This is post bath time today, they like to get on my bed and use the comforter as a towel. My mother reads my blog and told me that I need to put a picture of the doggies up so everyone will know who I am talking about. Since I am a good girl and always listen to my mother (cough) I will do as I am told. Meet my doggies. They are known as choodles. Well two of them are the eldest one is a Lhasa something or other. Choodles AKA: poo-chi's, Poohuahua's, chipoopoo's or any other combination of chihuahua/poodle you can think of. I personally like Choodle rolls of the tongue easy enough and always makes people scratch their heads and go "a Wha....?" Anyway they are oh-so happy to meet you, in fact Chili just pooped on the patio floor as a tribute to bei...

Newsflash: It rained

Will you look at that! And I just got through washing all my windows and screens (and believe me there are ALOT of them) last weekend!! HAH HAH Just kidding!!! This is dew disguised as rain...fitting for Halloween isnt it. It didn't rain, no ladies and gentleman readers this is simply dew. The thing that has become my most hated enemy. You know what they say though, keep your friends close and your enemies closer...I have no choice in this matter really, dew is something that seems to seek out living things to cling to and if it can't get to you it will cling to your windows, doors, screens and anything else outside pleading to be let in. I have found that it, in addition to human contact and nurturing that it really enjoys dogs and sadly, dogs don't seem to mind dew And sand and dirt and grass and all manner of vegetation likes to be taken along for the ride ... thus the reason I am constantly washing dogs feet and legs...and this weekend we get to do the whole body trea...

Spring forward, fall back, or is it the other way around

Amongst all the other things I have to adjust to coming from west to east is that I now get to experience the time change. This coming weekend we fall back...or is it fall forward? Fall over? Fall down....I dunno. I have done this time change thing before and I don't really care for it. In Arizona, where I come from, we don't observe daylight savings in the summer - oh we used to a long, long, LONG time ago, around the time that dinosaurs roamed the earth, but then the people who decide such things, decided that Arizona has enough sun, no need to increase the rate at which the sidewalks can fry eggs. I also think that the decision to stop daylight savings coincided with the electric company starting their endless rate hikes. So it has been a while since I have had to remember to change the clock Saturday night before I go to bed. I like the inconvenience of having to wake up the next morning to find the rest of the world has adjusted an hour one way or the other and we have r...

Red-eye tour

Enlarge this picture by clicking on it for full effect, go on I dare you.... I am slowly meeting my neighbours. They are a colourful lot, but I am coming to expect that from Florida residents. Aside from the consistant droning of the nightly ( well ok maybe not EVERY night) vector control truck that passes through the neighbourhood (Mosquito fogger) the other sound I am getting used to is the colourful language being yelled at each other as the neighbour's mower hits yet another rock or stick in his yard and his cigarette chewing, big haired, wearing a bra-as-a-shirt, wife bellows at him to shut the F*** up. But this is not really fair. This is just one neighbour and they live two doors down from us. The neighbour on our immediate right ( facing the house cuz I have yet to figure out where north, south, east, or west is) packed up her house in the middle of the night one night and moved out. Come to find out she is walking away from her house facing foreclosure. The neighbour ...

Letting pictures do the talking

I am wordless today, too much to think about so this is my alter-ego doing the communicating....enjoy View from my living room past the Florida room to the Lake, Cheddar (dog with little man syndrome is taking it all in Hawk on the tree in back yard Bird sunning himself on the dock two doors down, still learning the birds around here so not sure what this guy is

I was in a parade this weekend - I think.

I have never considered myself a social snob, or some might call it a class snob, but well I think I might be a closet one. Though this is not something that I easily admit to myself - I don't really want to be a snob about anything..snobs are normally not very nice people. I guess I have to admit to having SOME imperfections and this might be one of the few. If you are reading this blog you already know that my husband and I just spent a week in Waterworld...erm I mean Fort Lauderdale. Fort Lauderdale is on the Atlantic Ocean side of the state, while we live on the Gulf Coast side so we had to make the drive from one coast to the other through the interior of Florida a very, shall we say, colourful and interesting view of regional living. For one thing there are several Union Jacks flying high in the sky - a hint for those who are not sure what I mean with the previous sentence as to what life is like it small town interior Florida. Funny how the Union Jack always flys far and awa...

Noah would have job security here

It rained yesterday. NO, you dont get it, it RAINED yesterday. Oh not all at once to be sure. I woke up at 3am to what I affectionately term a "frog floater" Mike giggles at me, tells me it reminds him to urinate, since in New Zealand the colloquial expression for having to go pee is to say "Crickey mate! Ma teeth are floatin, off to the loo!" Anyway, the down pour lasted about 10 minutes. Good got that out of the way, I am always thinking about dog paws. You see I have this OCD thing going on about feet. My feet, my husbands feet, strangers feet, now my dogs feet. If they are not clean I very nearly crawl out of my skin. So here I am thinking: its 3am surely, SURELY by 6-7am it will be dry enough, when we talk the dogs out, that instead of a whole bath, the dogs will just require a little drying off with a towel to meet my standard of what feet should be when padding around the suite. (We are currently in Fort Lauderdale and living in a Staybridge Suites motel - ...

Mudroom, shmudroom

A mud room or mudroom is a room which is built into some houses to act as a barrier between outdoors and indoors. Especially in regions with wet, muddy winters, a mud room can be a useful addition as it helps to keep the house clean. This definition was provided by I must confess I am a product of regional norms/terms/traditions. In the Southwest where I originated, mudrooms are pretty unheard of. I heard the term on a rare occassion, but in all my regional ignorance, I thought that it must be a room made out of mud. I guess I was associating it with adobe houses and huts that you find in the desert. Adobe is a sort of mud/clay formed into bricks and baked in the sun to form a hard durable material with which to build some sort of structure. The regional "norm" of the desert is to have adobe brick fences to separate your property from your neighbours. The process of making these adobe bricks, which incidentally are quite beautiful as a finished product, is st...

Where to begin....

I have started a ridiculous amount of blogs in my life, but like a lot of things in my life, I just never finish them. One of those personality traits I need to work on, either that or I am a closet ADD'r and just too old to do a friggin thing about it. About the only thing I have completed in my life is being a mother, and trust me there have been times I wish I could have chucked that out the window as well, the saying "I believe in retroactive abortion" became my mantra throughout some of the kids growing up. But be-that-as-it-may, I am a mother and still am a mother, though with the last of the chicks having flown the nest (albeit a forced flight) I don't feel like I am completely immersed in the day to day, hour to hour, minute to excruitiating minute of being a full fledged parent, but just about the time I get complacent in my current parental status, something happens that calls me back to my full-fledged status. God I do ramble on, this is not at all what I...

Diabetical: definition as told by the Urban dictionary

Diabetical Saying, "Aww dude, that's sweet!" is totally inappropriate and downright douchebaggary when describing something sweeter-than-sweet thus, use diabetical, so that it is clear how sweet and potentially dangerous the subject is... So sweet it may give you diabetes, the subject's diabolical plan... Wow, you see how she just unzipped her top so low like that?... That bitch, straight diabetical. Couldnt have said it better myself. And so my 1st, ok ok maybe like my 4th attempt at blogging shall begin.