Ok I just like Audry Hepburn, in my opinion she is too thin....
The title of this post was taken from a very ghastly movie of which I would categorize as one of my favourites of all time - Silence of the Lambs aka: SOTL. And ghastly is just about the best word I can come up with that describes what my body is looking like these days.
I must admit that with the packing, the moving, the health issues and the financial pressures that have been dominating my life lately the way that I look has taken the rumble seat in the car of my life. But things are starting to wind down and settle into something of a routine, and so I happened to glance up from the now empty cardboard boxes, the puppies falling in the lake and the pile of bills on the desk and took a look at just what was staring back at me...lordy lordy.
Health issues not withstanding I just have to say O....M....G.
Some of these health issues have to do with diabetes and the latest round of meds that I have been put on seems to have the added effect of weightloss.
Great right!!??... not when you have a few hundred miles of loose and excess skin, that up until the weight loss, was filled out with nice plump fat cells. My skin is not 20 years old anymore. It does not rebound like it used to, instead it hangs and hangs and hangs some more. Sadly this is not a health issue pursay. That is that insurance does not believe that cosmetic surgery is a true health related condition, it is an "elective" procedure. Health insurance companies dont pay for life threatening conditions in a lot of cases, let alone an elective procedure. So whats a girl to do...
I don't know.... Pay for it myself of course...so I figure if I start saving now by the time I am around 90 years old I can afford to have this skin removed...of course by then who really cares. So I will have a nice little nest egg to blow on a new wheelchair or a few years worth of Depends and baby food.
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