Ok don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that of all the states in our union (Arkansas and Tennessee included) Florida has the most "der-de-ders" walking around...I am just saying.
Incidentally, "der-de-ders" are those who are perhaps 1.5 steps up on the evolutionary ladder from neanderthals, you know the sloped fore-headed knuckle-draggers. Or if you still need help:
/niˈændərˌθɔl, -ˌtɔl, -ˌtɑl; neɪˈɑndərˌtɑl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nee-an-der-thawl, -tawl, -tahl; ney-ahn-der-tahl] Show IPA
1. of or pertaining to Neanderthal man.
2. (often lowercase) Informal. primitive, unenlightened, or reactionary; culturally or intellectually backward.
Florida does seem to have its fair share of der-de-ders, maybe even just a smidge more then most, especially the upper regions of Florida. I would say from Gainsville north you will find herds and herds of der-de-ders, and they seem not to be listed on the endangered species list anytime soon.
I am constantly bombarded by the news with stories that make me go:

SOOOOOOO I have decided to include a few of them here when I am feeling particularly uncreative.
I normally don't like to do this, and I avoid blogs that just C&P Headlines or news stories, but gosh darnit some of these are just too good NOT to plagerize.
So here is todays Flori-DUH story, erm.....enjoy?
Fart rage: don't cut the cheese at his table
> Posted by Barbara Hijek on September 18, 2009 06:15 AM
Two Volusia County men were having dinner when one of the men passed gas on the other man's food.
Definately not a polite thing to do.
Anthony Stevens, 37, told his friend, 28-year-old Tervoris Baker, that it was rude to pass gas and Stevens kicked his food onto the floor. Baker became angry and started chasing Stevens who said he was laughing because he thought they were playing, reports WFTV News.
Baker said he was going to get his gun. Stevens ran out of the house and said he saw Baker with a bat. Baker then began breaking the windows of Stevens' SUV.
Stevens flagged down a deputy.
By then Baker had shattered every single window and dented the body of the 1998 Ford Expedition in a fit of rage.
Baker was arrested and taken to the Volusia County branch jail where he later posted a $1,500 bail.
Probably should have spent it on Beano.
Incidentally, "der-de-ders" are those who are perhaps 1.5 steps up on the evolutionary ladder from neanderthals, you know the sloped fore-headed knuckle-draggers. Or if you still need help:
/niˈændərˌθɔl, -ˌtɔl, -ˌtɑl; neɪˈɑndərˌtɑl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nee-an-der-thawl, -tawl, -tahl; ney-ahn-der-tahl] Show IPA
1. of or pertaining to Neanderthal man.
2. (often lowercase) Informal. primitive, unenlightened, or reactionary; culturally or intellectually backward.
Florida does seem to have its fair share of der-de-ders, maybe even just a smidge more then most, especially the upper regions of Florida. I would say from Gainsville north you will find herds and herds of der-de-ders, and they seem not to be listed on the endangered species list anytime soon.
I am constantly bombarded by the news with stories that make me go:

SOOOOOOO I have decided to include a few of them here when I am feeling particularly uncreative.
I normally don't like to do this, and I avoid blogs that just C&P Headlines or news stories, but gosh darnit some of these are just too good NOT to plagerize.
So here is todays Flori-DUH story, erm.....enjoy?
Fart rage: don't cut the cheese at his table
> Posted by Barbara Hijek on September 18, 2009 06:15 AM
Two Volusia County men were having dinner when one of the men passed gas on the other man's food.
Definately not a polite thing to do.
Anthony Stevens, 37, told his friend, 28-year-old Tervoris Baker, that it was rude to pass gas and Stevens kicked his food onto the floor. Baker became angry and started chasing Stevens who said he was laughing because he thought they were playing, reports WFTV News.
Baker said he was going to get his gun. Stevens ran out of the house and said he saw Baker with a bat. Baker then began breaking the windows of Stevens' SUV.
Stevens flagged down a deputy.
By then Baker had shattered every single window and dented the body of the 1998 Ford Expedition in a fit of rage.
Baker was arrested and taken to the Volusia County branch jail where he later posted a $1,500 bail.
Probably should have spent it on Beano.
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