I knew about this, at least on some level. I mean it makes sense doesn't it? The much-touted ADA diet that is spoon fed diabetics does little or nothing to help control blood sugars and yet it still seems to be the "golden rule" for diabetics, type 1 and type 2 alike.
I knew there had to be a reason and that someone, somewhere was profiting in some way off this very skewed approach to eating as a diabetic. Of course, I knew that the biggest profiteers had to be associated with either insurance companies or....
Yup Big Pharma. Read it and weep my friends, read it and weep. And if you still think the ADA diet is the way to to, well hows that working out for ya?
The ADA Diet Lie
If you are on industrial strength doses of insulin or taking some of these new Type 2 diabetic drugs that only burn out your pancreas and lead you to insulin much sooner then is needed (As in my case) you REALLY need to read this....
After you have picked your jaw up off the floor, seek out Dr. Richard K.Bernstein's website and facebook group and get educated....
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