With the holidays just around the corner, I thought this might be a good time to mention my approach to eating during this time of the year. There are no real tricks to my approach, just some common sense views and ways to avoid the pitfalls that diabetics face while everyone else stuffs themselves.
The typical Thanksgiving fair is tough on a diabetic, and there are diabetics who say "ey wth, its one day a year, I am going to splurge and then go back to all the restrictions the day after" I cant do this. I have learned that it takes me just one bad meal to reorganize my brain into thinking it can eat anything that it wants. Call this poor self-control, or no will-power - call it what you want but it is how my brain works. For this reason if I go off the wagon once it takes me weeks or months to get back on. So I just avoid the whole issue and continue to make good choices even when temptation is spread out before me.
So here at The Diabetic Zone is my strategy for the big day coming up. Maybe you can use it, maybe you can't I will leave that decision up to you.
Either way, best wishes to you and yours as we enter the holidays!
This being the last day of the year I thought that this day of all days deserves a post on the blog. New Years Eve is a time of reflecting and I have to be honest with you all, I am not all that jazzed about reflecting on the past year. Each year as take down the Christmas tree I place all the fragile ornaments in their holders/tubs/wrappings, usually the last thing to go is the angel at tree top. As I remove her I wonder to myself what will my life be like the next time I see her, lately I add to that wonderment the question, "will I even be around next Christmas?". I think that it is a legitimate question when you reach the half century mark and beyond, especially when I think to myself that my late husband was just 50 when he died. In a few short months I will be older then he ever was. He died just a week shy of his 51st birthday. That is a strange feeling since he was always older then me by 6 years. So my own sense of immortality is called to the forefront as I mar...
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