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Showing posts from November, 2009

From the world of the Florida bizarre

This is going to have to do for now,one of the medications I am on make me quite nauseous on most days of the week, so until they make a computer that I can operate whilst on my knees in front of the "twah-let" (toilet) I can only manage to post cut and paste news....Oh and for those interested, T-giving was torture for me this year, I cooked and what I ate I had the infinite pleasure of seeing two and sometimes three to four times that day. Bomb threat was ruse to delay takeoff A woman in Sunny Isles Beach, afraid that her boss was going to miss his flight to Honduras, called in a bomb threat to delay the takeoff, the Miami Herald reports. Unfortunately for Claudia De La Rosa, she also sent an e-mail, which can be easily traced, so she was arrested on Thanksgiving. She thought he might miss the flight because she was late to work.


Ok don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that of all the states in our union (Arkansas and Tennessee included) Florida has the most "der-de-ders" walking around...I am just saying. Incidentally, "der-de-ders" are those who are perhaps 1.5 steps up on the evolutionary ladder from neanderthals, you know the sloped fore-headed knuckle-draggers. Or if you still need help: Ne⋅an⋅der⋅thal   /niˈændÉ™rˌθɔl, -ËŒtÉ”l, -ËŒtÉ‘l; neɪˈɑndÉ™rËŒtÉ‘l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nee-an-der-thawl, -tawl, -tahl; ney-ahn-der-tahl] Show IPA –adjective 1. of or pertaining to Neanderthal man. 2. (often lowercase) Informal. primitive, unenlightened, or reactionary; culturally or intellectually backward. Florida does seem to have its fair share of der-de-ders, maybe even just a smidge more then most, especially the upper regions of Florida. I would say from Gainsville north you will find herds and herds of der-de-ders, and they seem not to be listed on the endangered species list anytime...

Is that a bird? A plane? no its the space shuttle Atlantis!

Just cause I thought this was cool its just the vapor trail You can see the dual rocket fire in this one As always remember you can click on the picture and it will come up a bit larger on your screen.... Ok so maybe I am a little overly pleased with myself over these pictures, after all its just a fire ball with some smoke trailing, but trust me this is the space shuttle Atlantis as she launched on Monday, Nov 16, 2009 from Cape Canaveral. I am on the gulf side (western) coast of Florida, Cape Canaveral is on the Atlantic (Eastern coast) of Florida, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to see much of it when it launched, especially since it was day time - a night launch, yeah maybe, but a full daylight launch ey, maybe not so much, but like the true photogeek that I am I had my camera at the ready just in case. I set it up about 15 minutes prior to launch in the back yard - zoom lens pointed in the part of the sky I guessed might be where it would show up - if it was going to sho...

Walking pill bottle

I remember not too awfully long after my father died (maybe a few years I can't remember) I would take my mother out to the marine base in our city, the one that my dad worked at when he was active service - the very one that brought us to "the middle of no where" Arizona, way back in the mid 1960's, so that she could go to the dispensary there to get a refill on her medications. One of the perks that my mom and dad got since my father devoted most of his adult life to the military in one form or another is to get their meds for free as long as they refilled them at the military dispensary. Occasionally she would have to get something out in town, because the military dispensary didn't carry it, but basically I think that most all of it she could get on base. I remember sitting in the car waiting for her to return with her booty and watching her walk out of the doors with, sometimes, two paper bags full of medications. I remember her complaining sometimes that...

Finally a positive about Florida

I am sure there are some who read this and think to themselves "Florida is not/can't be all that bad! She needs to be more positive about it all, life/locations/situations are just what you make of them" Or "Good gawd, enough already!" Ok so to those this might satisify you... let me put this in context a little bit, first...I originate from a place on this earth that no man should ever have been allowed to inhabit. The only things that live there are cracked and parched, including the people and their attitudes. The middle of summer is like living in the face of the sun both day and night. The indigenous creatures are just about all poisonous, so if the heat doesn't get you they will...or so the saying goes. Side note: I once saw the greatest t-shirt and kick myself every day for not buying it. It was in an airport gift shop, so of course with inflated prices they charge, I vowed not to buy it, surely I could find it somewhere else - no such luck, anywa...

Of money and medicine

Ok so there is A L O T wrong with our health care system, I think just about everyone agrees with that, but in my opinion just about all the health care initiatives, reforms, and revamps are simply going to put a very small bandage over a VERY gapping really does not matter what the gov't attempts to implement it simply will not be enough and the part of the medical community ( the VERY LARGE part) that wants to make money will find away around whatever is passed and set into motion. If medicine does not get rich on it, it will not last long...mark my words. Just like Wall Street the money pig of medicine will keep chanting "feed me" Today I had my second experience with the medical community here in Florida. The first one was ok, not the best. My doctor is nice enough, seems to know her stuff and seems interested in her patients. Her office staff maybe not be so much. They have managed to get my birthdate wrong in their system which has brought my benefit...

Lizard spit

Gila Monster spit to be precise. I am finding that you can take the girl out of the desert, but you can't take the Gila Monster out of the girl. For those wondering, the Gila Monster is a desert dwelling lizard, its suppose to be highly venomous. In all my years of living in the desert I never had the pleasure of meeting one in person, they are quite elusive, but you learn to avoid certain indigenous species in the desert and this is definitely one to avoid. So imagine my surprise when I found out that this ugly spud of a creature ( actually they are quite beautiful in a quazi motto sort of way) is what is keeping me alive! I inject Gila Monster spit every day, twice a day and it in turn regulates my blood sugar, ergo, I don't slip into some random diabetic coma, or find that my kidneys have failed or my legs must be amputated. Don't worry I am not under the care of some witch doctor, or voodoo queen, high priestess, medicine woman, though my doctor has the exotic looks of...

Indiginous neighbours

Another day of few words, so pictures will be me voice...the first one is just to say good morning to everyone - sunrise over our lake. The others are of a pair of sand cranes who frequent our area, they are quite friendly -not shy at all, in fact the bigger one of the two (I assume he is the male) approaches me with no hesitation when I am outside with them and seems to be be checking me out to see if I have any food. The big one (nicknamed by me as Ricky as in Ricardo) stands nearly as tall as I am (5'7) but maybe a few inches shorter. The female ( nicknamed Lucy by me) is perhaps 5ft tall and just a bit shyer then her man. They are an interesting addition and though I dont seem to intimidate them, the choods do and if they get out of the porch they have no qualms about chasing these 767's of the bird world and the cranes will launch into flight scolding the choodles with that very odd honking/croaking noise. (remember you can click on the below pictures - or any pictures in...

From thence into beauty....

Ok I just like Audry Hepburn, in my opinion she is too thin.... The title of this post was taken from a very ghastly movie of which I would categorize as one of my favourites of all time - Silence of the Lambs aka: SOTL. And ghastly is just about the best word I can come up with that describes what my body is looking like these days. I must admit that with the packing, the moving, the health issues and the financial pressures that have been dominating my life lately the way that I look has taken the rumble seat in the car of my life. But things are starting to wind down and settle into something of a routine, and so I happened to glance up from the now empty cardboard boxes, the puppies falling in the lake and the pile of bills on the desk and took a look at just what was staring back at me...lordy lordy. Health issues not withstanding I just have to say O....M....G. Some of these health issues have to do with diabetes and the latest round of meds that I have been put on seems to have ...

A little cheese with that Whine?

I found a great site that I started to frequent before I moved here to Florida and have been reading ever sense. It gives the "real deal" report on all things good AND bad concerning the area of Florida you happen to live in, as told by regular Joe Schmoe who happens to live here and either knows first hand about whatever topic you can think to ask, has had a relative or friend go through it, or it is just common knowledge as a lot of things are for the natives of any particular city/town/county. And so the term "swiss cheese" started leaking into my brain via this website. Seems I live on the ground floor of swiss cheese central. Here in Florida, at least in my corner of Florida you are known more by the county that you live in rather then the city or town - unless you live in Tampa or St Pete, in that case the city usurps the county and you are known for your city of residence. Here in the Tampa area there are about 400 counties that are associated with living i...

Halloween, 2010

Ok do you see that big, disgusting, gawdy thing in the picture?....No, no, no not HIM, thats my husband mowing the yard, look beyond him past the immense spans of water to the wooden dock there. This is where my story begins for todays entry. My husband and I, when we can brave the dew and sauna-like conditions on most weekend mornings, like to sit out on the enclosed patio and drink coffee, talk about the meaning of life and, of course, make fun of our neighbours. This morning was actually a very pleasant morning. There is some cold front that is daring to try to make its way through our area and along with the time change last night ( yes we survived it none-the-worse for wear) this brave little front made its way through...although I hear that it is about to turn "Benedict Arnold" on us and in the days to come this very same cold front plans to reverse direction march back through our area to the north as a warm front. I hate fronts. So we were sitting out there mindin...